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Friday, April 29, 2011

So far on the Bridal Show....

I just got back from Indian Run, my excitment is increasing as time passes! I have had a couple vendors show up to do their tables, and I completed mine. Room is started to look super cool, and it's really happening. I am hearing more and more about people attending, which is reassuring. I've had to change the layout and floor plan as more requests are pouring in, and try to make everyone happy with their spots. Tonight I am making posters to post along the route, have to pick up balloons, so never fear vendors and Brides, I will make sure people SEE those Indian Run signs. Make sure to take Sprinkle Rd. and turn left at S Ave, it's right where CONSTRUCTION begins! Somehow I have to make that left turn visible! I can't wait to see all the creative tables, and hope that we have a FULL HOUSE! remember to keep posting, blogging and spreading the information. Thanks to all that have put it out there on the internet. More info coming soon, and please FOLLOW ME and my blog. I have NO followers yet!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

MY BIG Event

I'm so nervous about this Bridal Show I planned. I care so much that all these vendors feel it was worth their time. I spent so much time on circulating this event, and I sure hope some Brides show up. I'm not sleeping at night because of my fear there will only be a couple. I guess the good thing is we have cocktails, food, wine samples and a DJ there. It'll be a party regardless right?
I'm super excited about my own table, with my colors, representing myself for the first time at a show. I love getting creative. I need some pink and black candies...hmm?
I think I am going to make chocolate covered strawberries for the show! There will be champagne too. Wow, it's sounding more and more appealing. Thank you to all the Vendors who supported this first show of it's kind. I really appreciate your participation.
Does any other Event planner get this stressed out over an event's success? I am so thrilled to be starting to finalize details of a Client's wedding after this show. Keep watching for some other really COOL events coming up in Kalamazoo County. If any of you want to suggest some for me to do, feel free to suggest. I LOVE PLANNING. I honestly have enjoyed planning this expo! I hope all of you have a great time.