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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"FUN" fetti, confetti....rather than wedding bubbles or rice...something new and original

I think the original and most common item to use upon a bride and groom leaving a church is to throw rice. Rice represents fertility and was used to wish prosperity and fertility to newly married couples. There were rumors of rice causing issues with birds, but that has become a unproven, and disproven urban legend. Since then, bubbles have become so popular. I found some cool alternatives to those Brides and Grooms who want something different. What about confetti launchers? These come in hand held little tubes, called hand flickers, that people can use upon exiting church, leaving reception, at reception, however you want to incorporate something unique. You can customize your colors and cater it to your wedding theme. They are pretty affordable too! I am frankly kind of bored with seeing rice and bubbles. It's time for some fresh new ideas and trends out there. Inquire for more information to

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